1. History. Just like the town of Imus, Big Ben's Kitchen has a rich history behind it. Filipinos know the events that took place in the town of Imus during the Spanish Occupation, how the Recollect Friars fought for Imus to be independent of Kawit and how Emilio Aguinaldo won a major battle in Barangay Alapan which sealed the presidency for him, among others. Currently, Imus is known as the Flag Capital of the Philippines. Chef Gene Guttierez talks with pride about this quaint resto which was originally their ancestral home and it still bears traditional and classical Spanish architectural design. Can you tell which parts have been retained and which parts have been converted into a restaurant? The resto might be quaint but it stood witness to events that occurred decades ago. If only the house could speak, we would know more of the history of the family and the town. 2,...