Mt. Mayon is Magayon !
Yours truly is still reeling from the experience of actually seeing the majestic Mayon Volcano down in Legazpi, a city which is about an hour away from Manila by plane. I was able to get a reservation when Air Philippines had super discounted rates last summer and had it scheduled last week when monsoon rains were pouring in Manila . It was cloudy and humid in this area of Luzon. Despite the dry weather, we still could not see the perfect cone of Mt. Mayon, which was a damper to many excursionists that were also in Legazpi at that time. But, as the locals would say beautiful, " Magayon " is not enough to describe how awesome and breathtaking a lady Mt. Mayon is. Like a woman, Mt. Mayon is regal, cool and collected, but also mysterious and there's no telling when she will explode, scary thought, right? Mt. Mayon is the major landmark of the province, rising tall and proud at 2,462 meters. It can be seen from at least 8 neighboring towns. How wo...